Sunday, October 18, 2009

Helping hands - thank you!



Big Sister

Happy one month Birthday to babies!

Role confusions/we've all gone a little sixes and sevens (bonkers)

It started with the cat. He thinks he is a baby in desperate need of a diaper change. I do admit, with the window and all, it is a nice spot for a nap. Except the cat also enjoys the other changing area we have, without a window. At first the grandma would take the cover off the changing pad and wash it, so the babies would not be exposed to cat hair (too late for that, it's everywhere). Then it became too much laundry-wise, as the cat would jump onto the changing table as soon as grandma turned her back on him.

Then Juliet decided to turn into a Buddha. And not jut once, but after every feeding.

And the weirdest of them all, my oldest decided that preteen years were a bit too much for her and started to regress back. And not slowly, either. She skipped all the way to babyhood and now drinks out of the baby bottle too. Thankfully, it is just cow milk. We are trying to discourage the behavior by totally ignoring it. Some of us can handle it better than others. Grandma, a few hours after agreeing to give neither positive nor negative attention to the behavior, could not handle it and just screamed with - "That's enough!" Granted, her 11-year-old grandchild has almost worked through a gallon of milk in the 2 minute (she timed herself) 2 oz portions at a time. By the way, the kid did authorize the taking of the picture below last night (when it was still kinda cute, if a little disturbing). Today we are just ignoring it, or at least trying to.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

All grown up :(

My previously little girl's 1st dance (middle school) was on Oct. 9. It was pretty eventful. A boy a year older than she is invited her to a slow dance. And the school bus had a flat tire around 11 pm still 40 minutes from home! Thankfully, her mom is basically awake 24 hours a day, so the timely rescue was no problem.

Temporary sleeping spots-2 swings & a bassinet




Monday, October 5, 2009

Getting pretty

1st bath (Juliet)

1st bath (Alex)

We made it 7 days with triplets at home!

We are exhausted (mom, dad, grandma). The babies eat every 3 hours. They are slow eaters; feedings and changing take about 1.5-2 hours, leaving an hour in between the feedings. I pump breast milk and everybody, even their older sister, help with feeding/changing. I hope to transition to direct breast feeding as soon as possible. At this point I use a nipple shield to help them suck when they are put to the breast one or two times a day each.
Big sister

Paul, Juliet, Alex (from L to R)

3rd home on Monday, Sept. 28: Paul

Two home on Saturday, Sept. 26: Alex and Juliet

They changed their mind on letting Paul go. Then they wanted us to wait a few more hours in the hospital to see how Alex and Juliet ate (they were eating very slowly the feeding before). I was starting to feel like we'd never get the kids home - the NICU staff would just keep delaying forever. But we did finally come home with two.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers